Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I've been tagged.

I've been tagged by Shelena Crowton.
Whoever reads this that would like to do it is tagged. :)

What is your husband's name? Lance Brown
How long have you guys been married? 11years
How long did you date? 2 years
How old is he? 32?
Who is taller? He is.
Who can sing the best? We both like to sing. I am at church songs, he is at any song on the radio.
Who is smarter? We both can hold our own, but if you ask Lance a question, he always knows the answer.
Who pays the bills? I physically pay them, but he earns the money to do so.
Who does the laundry? Me.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? he does
Who mows the lawn? We both do. It depends on who has the time.
Who cooks dinner? I do.
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? I am.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me but it was because of something that I said.
Who wears the pants? We both think we're in charge...does that count?

1 comment:

Dana Broderick said...

just caught up on your blog! your kids are getting so big! i can't believe you have 4. i'm scared....really scared to have 4! it seems like so much work! anyway, just wanted to pop in and say hi. thanks for all your comments on my blog. i love reading them...especially the one about Twilight. I was really curious about what others thought! maybe we can make it to a kitchen reunion one of these days! we'd love to see you all again!