Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Here is Brayden's birthday cake. There is a good story behind the birthday cake. Brayden picked a Superman cake this year for his birthday. If any of you saw the pictures from his birthday last year that is the cake he picked last year as well. Since I already had the Superman cake pan I was just going to do the same thing I did last year. I made the cake in the morning giving myself plenty of time to decorate it. After I had let the cake cool for a few minutes I turned it upside down on the flat pan and half of it came out and the other half stayed in the pan. I oiled the pan so I am not sure what happened. It was yummy to eat warm though so the kids and I had a treat. I still didn't have a cake though for his birthday party that night. I called the grocery store to see if they had one or could make me a superman cake for that night. They told me that they usually need a full days' notice, but that they could probably do it. Lance left Conner's T-Ball game early to pick up the cake. I get a call from the grocery store asking me what kind of cake I ordered. I told them a Superman cake. The girl paused and said, "well we made a Spiderman cake". What was I going to do? Needless to say, as you can see, Brayden didn't get his Superman cake. Good thing he wasn't upset. He actually like it. Yea!
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