Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Here she is! Kadi Christine Brown was born on March 8th at 7:53 am. She weighed 7 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. She is a doll, and we have all fallen in love.
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Not quite Utards said...

She's so beautiful...and feminine as you said. I bet it's kinda different having a little baby girl around after having 3 boys! I'm excited to see her in person!

Katie said...

congrats!!! she is sooo cute! I am so happy for you. I'm glad everything went well. I hope you are doing good. you're such a good mom!

g.c. said...

Congratulations!! Kadi looks so adorable and sweet. Enjoy having a girl :)

Bradshaw Adventures said...

So glad you called so I could find your current blog!!! Kadi is adorable!! You we so funny on the phone telling me to call if I need anything-Hello! You are the one who just had a baby!! You call me if I can help with anything!!! We would to have the boys over. I call you sometime this week!